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add_cow_alliance() allowed you to add Correlates of War alliance data to a dyad-year data frame. However, this function is deprecated at the request of the data set's maintainer and any use of the Correlates of War's alliance data will have to be done manually. The function now returns a stop communicating this development.





a dyad-year or leader-dyad-year data frame (either "directed" or "non-directed")


add_cow_alliance() now returns a stop communicating the maintainer's request to reject all software that facilitates the use of the data in this fashion. add_cow_alliance() previously took a dyad-year data frame and added information about the alliance pledge in that given dyad-year. These include whether there was an alliance with a defense pledge, neutrality pledge, non-aggression pledge, or pledge for consultation in time of crisis (entente).


Duplicates in the original directed dyad-year alliance data were pre-processed. Check cow_alliance in the package's data-raw directory on Github for more information.

This function will also work with leader-dyad-years, though users should be careful with leader-level applications of alliance data. Alliance data are primarily communicated yearly, making it possible---even likely---that at least one leader-dyad in a given year is credited with an alliance that was not active in the particular leader-dyad. The Correlates of War's alliance data are not communicated with time measurements more granular than the year. Apply these data to leader-level analyses with that in mind.


Gibler, Douglas M. 2009. International Military Alliances, 1648-2008. Congressional Quarterly Press.


Steven V. Miller


if (FALSE) {
# just call `library(tidyverse)` at the top of the your script

cow_ddy %>% add_cow_alliance()