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This is the R Markdown template I use for my syllabi at Stockholm University. Classes are structured a lot differently here, so a lot of what I'd like to do or aspire to do has to change.






Arguments to rmarkdown::pdf_document.

About YAML header fields

titleTitle of the class
authorName(s) of the professor(s)
termThe term of the class (e.g. Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025)
datesA basic date range for the course (e.g. Feb. 20 - March 21)
fontawesomeLogical, defaults to TRUE, for use of Font Awesome icons
emailThe email for the "course responsible" professor. It's a thing here.
webClass website. Technically optional, but you really should use it.
officeYour office location. Technically optional, but you really should use it.
one-teacherSpecify this argument in the YAML as TRUE for classes with one professor.
two-teachersSpecify this argument in the YAML as TRUE for classes with two professors. Has implications for formatting.
n-teachersSpecify this argument in the YAML as TRUE for classes with more than two professors. Has implications for formatting.

Additional Comments

XeLaTeX is imposed by a standard use in RStudio. The one-/two-/n-teacher(s) hack is inspired by hackery in article3 in this same package. Specify only one of those.

The Font Awesome package in LaTeX is fontawesome5.

The "author" argument should be used as if there were potentially multiple professors (even if there is just the one). You'll see what I mean in the skeleton file.