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revcode allows you to reverse code a numeric variable. If, say, you have a Likert item that has values of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the function inverts the scale so that 1 = 5, 2 = 4, 3 = 3, 4 = 2, and 5 = 1.





a numeric vector


The function returns a numeric vector that reverse codes the the numeric vector that was supplied to it.


This function passes over NAs you may have in your variable. It does assume, reasonably might I add, that the observed values include both the minimum and the maximum. This is usually the case in a discrete ordered-categorical variable (like a Likert item). It also assumes that the numeric vector supplied to it contains all possible values and that the minimum observed value is 1. This is usually a safe assumption in survey data where the variable of interest is ordinal (either on a 1:4 scale, or 1:5 scale, or 1:10 scale). No matter, use the function with that in mind.


data.frame(x1 = rep(c(1:7, NA), 2),
      x2 = c(1:10, 1:4, NA, NA),
     x3 = rep(c(1:4), 4)) -> example_data


example_data %>% mutate_at(vars("x1", "x2", "x3"), ~revcode(.))
#>    x1 x2 x3
#> 1   7 10  4
#> 2   6  9  3
#> 3   5  8  2
#> 4   4  7  1
#> 5   3  6  4
#> 6   2  5  3
#> 7   1  4  2
#> 8  NA  3  1
#> 9   7  2  4
#> 10  6  1  3
#> 11  5 10  2
#> 12  4  9  1
#> 13  3  8  4
#> 14  2  7  3
#> 15  1 NA  2
#> 16 NA NA  1