A Sample of SOM Institute Data, 2019-2020
This is a simple sample of the SOM (Society-Opinion-Media) data that is run by the University of Gothenburg. The sample comes from the cumulative data set (v. 2021-1) for observations in 2019-2020. The SOM Institute Cumulative Dataset contains data from the National SOM study, which is an annually repeated cross-sectional self-administered mail survey conducted in Sweden since 1986. I think of it as a Swedish corollary to the General Social Survey in the United States. I'll use it for it various testing purposes.
A data frame with 2841 observations on the following 14 variables.
a numeric vector communicating the year of the survey
a numeric vector communicating a unique identifier for the respondent
a character vector for the county in which the respondent lives
a numeric vector communicating what I term "political trust" of the respondent. I include more information about this variable in the details section.
a numeric vector, ranging from 1-4, communicating satisfaction with democracy in Sweden. 1 = not at all satisfied. 4 = very satisfied.
a numeric vector, ranging from 1-5, communicating trust in the royal family of Sweden. 1 = very low trust. 5 = very high trust.
a numeric vector, ranging from 1-5, communicating the attitude of the respondent toward the European Union. 1 = very negative. 5 = very positive.
a numeric vector communicating the age of the respondent
a numeric vector communicating whether the respondent self-identifies as a woman or a man
a numeric vector ranging from 1-3 communicating an education-level attained. 1 = "low" (below grade 9). 2 = "medium" (above grade 9, but below university). 3 = "high" (i.e. at least some university)
a numeric vector communicating the ideology of the respondent on a 1-5 scale. 1 = "clearly to the left". 5 = "clearly to the right"
a numeric vector communicating the gross household income of the respondent on a 1-5 scale. 1 = "very low". 5 = "very high".
a numeric vector communicating the area where the respondent lives. 1 = "rural area". 2 = "village". 3 = "city/town". 4 = "Stockholm/Gothenburg/Malmö".
a numeric vector communicating the respondent's interest in politics. 1 = "not at all interested". 4 = "very interested".
Missingness is substantial for one reason or the other. The data are complete cases only. It's not problematic for this purpose, but I did want to make a note of it.
The political trust variable is a simple latent estimate derived from a graded
response model of the items from the original data on trust in government
), trust in parliament (aa10n
), trust in the political parties
), and trust in Swedish politicians (ab12
). The first three items
were on 1-5 scales while the last one (about Swedish politicians) is on a 1-4
scale. All items were reverse coded from their original scales and the user
should interpret the ensuing latent estimate to be communicating higher
political trust with higher values on the scale. The user is also free to
question just how valid of a measure of political trust this is, though I will
only add that the factor loadings for all four items were as low as .81 and as
high as .91. The proportional variance is .764.
The variables for satisfaction with democracy, trust in the royal family, attitude about the European Union, and interest in politics are reverse coded from their original scale.
SOM is unique from other long-standing survey data sets of which I'm aware by allowing respondents to self-identify as some other gender. In 2019 and 2020, only 71 of 21,195 respondents self-identified this way (before any other case-exclusions). I remove these observations from the data.
If I understand the codebook correctly, the household income variable is coded by SOM's researchers and is not a self-placement by the respondent.
You may want to explicitly factor the residential area variable, though this is basically how it was presented in the data.